While Strawdog’s PILLARS OF THE COMMUNITY would benefit from more connection and complex choices, just as he hoped at over a century ago, the story of Ibsen’s play remains more than appropriate to the present day.
No One Is Beyond Reproach in New Colony’s SCAPEGOAT
Political and legal dramas dominate the entertainment landscape these days. Some seek to cast a rosy glow over our institutions and yearn for the American ideal of irreproachable truth. Others present a darker, and perhaps more realistic view of these supreme monoliths of society, where the scandals and intrigue seen in fiction almost match the calamity that dominates America’s current cultural moment.
THE WOMAN IN BLACK Lives Up to the Genre
It’s much easier to separate things into black and white boxes of good and bad, right and wrong, firmly close their lids and file them away under “how the world works.” Grays are much too difficult to file. Open boxes? You never know what might pop out of one and mess up the whole system.