(re)discover Announces FIFTY SHADES OF SHAKESPEARE Cast and Designers
Pictured: Deanalís Resto (re)discover theatre has announced the cast and design team for its sixth-annual production of “Fifty Shades of Shakespeare,” created and developed by Jess Shoemaker and (re)discover theatre. Directed by Daniella Wheelock, the production features Jay Españo, Maggie Miller, Josh Pennington, and Deanalís Resto. The production team includes...
(re)discover theater Announces LES INNOCENTS/THE INNOCENTS Cast and Designers
Pictured: Emilie Modaff (re)discover theatre has announced casting for the world premiere of Les Innocents/The Innocents, an immersive queer thriller set in the Paris Catacombs, created and directed by Co-Artistic Director Ann Kreitman. Pictured: Cast of Les Innocents/The Innocents Les Innocents/The Innocents will feature Emilie Modaff, Vahishta Vafadari, Amanda Forman, Alec Phan, Andrew...